2018 / May / 29 Posted at Sky Airport Transfer LTD
Luton is amongst the top industrial towns in England massive economic contribution
The economy of every country depends upon several factors like industries, sports, transportation, travel, and tourism. The variation in these factors determines the overall economy which further lays the foundation of any nation’s future.
Luton has undergone several economic and technological change over centuries. In fact, Luton is amongst the prosperous industrial towns in England that contribute a lot to the national economy.
Here's a list of top major industries of Luton that changed the course of the economy for centuries.
It may sound shocking to some, but Bedfordshire has been in the Brickmaking business for more than 10,000 years (moulded clay baked in the sun). The material found in Bedfordshire, especially in the outskirts of Luton and Dunstable goes back to Pre-Cambrian times (4.6 billion years).
The Romans of Verulamium used mud bricks that were softened by rain. They were the first ones to bring bricks in Luton and Bedfordshire.
One of the examples is the Someries Castle that was built in c.1448 with Roman Bricks of Bedfordshire. 16 th century officially opened its doors to Brickmaking in Luton when small claypits were opened. Some famous Brickmaking names from Bedfordshire were: Flettons, Arlesey Whites, and Luton Greys and Reds.
Hat Making
During the 17 th century, Luton became a prominent town in Bedfordshire for making exquisite Straw hats. The town gained instant popularity when the Royals demanded the hats and wore it as a mandatory garment.
Hat Making stayed in Luton, Bedfordshire for 300 years until an encountered exponential decline in the 1930s. It was the primary source of earning for people coming from different areas of Britain.
Let’s start discussing Luton’s automotive by mentioning Vauxhall Motors, which came to Luton in around 1905. Vauxhall Motors is one of the oldest and most successful automobile manufacturing company in the world. It had produced thousands of award-winning vehicles and brought forth a revolution in sports cars.
It is one of the two industries in Bedfordshire that contributed to the national economy.
Luton Airport
Opened in 1938, Luton Airport was indeed a lucky step in future. Luton was already jam-packed with success from hat making, Automotive, Engineering works, and brickmaking when the Luton airport elevated its level.
Today Luton is the fifth busiest and best airport in England by serving 15 million passengers in a year.
Travel and Tourism
We couldn’t be more accurate if we considered the migration of locals to Luton from around the Britain for employment purposes in the 17 th century.
Luton today has become a perfect hive for bee-travellers around the world. From affordable and accessible transportation to historical sites, Luton has a lot more to offer. Each year the number of travellers is exponentially increasing.